Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

  • DPD Calculate charges


Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Dr. Weigert factory.

Export of Products

Export of Dr. Weigert products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Dr. Weigert products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Dr. Weigert: liquid and powder detergents, cleaning agents and neutralizers for medical instruments, laboratories, endoscopy, dentistry, dishwashers, baking trays, dishes and glasses, pharmaceutical and cosmetic, brewing, dairy, fish and meat industries, dairy and beverage production, bakeries and confectionery, rinses, dosing systems, system solutions
  • Medical and laboratory technologies Dr. Weigert
    Medical and laboratory technologies
    neodisher, triformin, etc.
  • Kitchen hygiene Dr. Weigert
    Kitchen hygiene
    neodisher, triformin, etc.
  • Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food Dr. Weigert
    Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food
    neomoscan, weigoman, etc.
  • System solutions Dr. Weigert
    System solutions
    custom systems, etc.
  • Dosing technology Dr. Weigert
    Dosing technology
    weigomatic, neomatik, etc.


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